Krumo is a debugging software equivalent to print_r() and var_dump(), with the advantage of collapsing array and object values so that it takes less space and let us see only what we really need from complex data.
Hikari Krumo ports it to a Wordpress plugin, so that Krumo becomes easily available in any Wordpress page. Original Krumo has a few bugs fixed and has its options available in an admin page instead of requiring krumo.ini file edited directly.
- The simplicity of print_r() with the details of var_dump()
- Show any data, including its data type
- For arrays and objects, internal data are collapsed, so that it takes less space and you can expand to see only those values you really wanna see, spending much less space
- Works anywhere in Wordpress, backend and frontend
- Hide it from visitors and only those who really need to see dump be able to see it
- Automatically shows PHP file and line where dump happened, a great tool for debugging
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I've been developing Wordpress plugins for a few months, and I always felt challenging to know if those hooks I was using were being used by other plugins as well, and which were coming before and after my function.
Wordpress hooks are actions and filters. They are known by theme designers as those "things" that come in do_action("action_tag"); and $content = apply_filters("filter_tag",$content); . Plugin developers know them better, we love to hook actions and filters as add_action("action_tag","prefix_function"); and add_filter("filter_tag","prefix_function"); .
I just wanted something that, in any page I wanted, would show me a list of all hooks, everything hooked to each of them, and the priority order they were called.
Of course that couldn't be something like a static model designed by (my) hand, it should be something automatic, dynamic, related to each page. Something real, that showed what really happened during that particupar page load.
With some research I found codes that did that, and much more. I merged these codes together, improved them, and Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter was born 
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Wordpress has a "bug" regarding marking up JavaScript inside posts and pages, and Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator unfortunately is affected by it. This "bug" breaks XHTML validation, and something has to be done to surpass it and have a properly valid XHTML code, while the "bug" is not solved.
If you wanna see the whole story, you can read it at XHTML, validation, JavaScript and Wordpress. Either way, here you will have a detailed description of Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator's options.
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Most people don't really bother with XHTML validation. Indeed, I'd say that 99,98% of all webpages on the Web today have their DOCTYPE setted automatically (be it for a site builder or a CMS) without its author even knowing about it.
Just browse sites over the Web, even from big companies, and you'll see how rare it is tp find a HTML document 100% valid.
In this article I'm gonna talk a bit about validation in general, about XHTML validation when JavaScript is in place, explain the problems I've faced with my Wordpress plugin Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator when I tried to insert JavaScript inside posts, and what I did to solve it. That's a lot to talk, so use the following Table of Contents to go directly to your concerning subject, or read the whole article with no hurry .gif)
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 Many people when start developing plugins and themes to Wordpress don't notice the consequences of writing messy codes until it is too late.
I decided to decicate a whole post to this prefix matter because I know I will come back to it always when possible, and it will be easier to have a post to link instead of repeating myself.
Using a prefix means that, for each plugin or theme we create, we choose a small string that describes this piece of code, and in every function/class, and even hook tags, we add this string before its name.
It may seem boring to those people that still don't understand why this is important, but I'll explain.
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Travian ModKit 2.0 is a Travian plugin based on FireFox's GreaseMonkey extension. It gathers resources and buildings info from all villages and shows them in every page, so that we don't need to browse from village to village to see what's happening on each of them.
This compiled info helps us to have a whole idea of resources and upgrades inside our empire, saving us unnecessary clicks and greatly optimizing our time.
Travian ModKit 2.0 supports and works together with Travian Beyond. It limits on reading HTML that is received from the server and improving this HTML, it sends no data and makes no requests to the server, and also does no automatic actions.
You are in full control of your game, Travian ModKit 2.0 just does automatically what you would do manually with a calculator or a spreadsheet.
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