I've been developing Wordpress plugins for a few months, and I always felt challenging to know if those hooks I was using were being used by other plugins as well, and which were coming before and after my function.
Wordpress hooks are actions and filters. They are known by theme designers as those "things" that come in do_action("action_tag"); and $content = apply_filters("filter_tag",$content); . Plugin developers know them better, we love to hook actions and filters as add_action("action_tag","prefix_function"); and add_filter("filter_tag","prefix_function"); .
I just wanted something that, in any page I wanted, would show me a list of all hooks, everything hooked to each of them, and the priority order they were called.
Of course that couldn't be something like a static model designed by (my) hand, it should be something automatic, dynamic, related to each page. Something real, that showed what really happened during that particupar page load.
With some research I found codes that did that, and much more. I merged these codes together, improved them, and Hikari Hooks Troubleshooter was born 
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Gravatar is a nice service, it allows us, as users, to define avatars related to our emails, and then those avatars are used everywhere we comment and participate, automatically.
But not everybody know or bother with Gravatars, and when we have a site we end up with a bunch of comments with the same default avatar, for every commenter that didn't register on Gravatar, or in anonymous comments.
Hikari Unicornified Gravatars lets us "unicornify" these avatars, providing some more colors to our beloved sites 
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Hoje nesse dia, pensei em cumprir minha "promessa" feita há exatamente 1 ano, e fazer uma montagem dum site vegan usando minha theme e fazendo posts cheios de apologias fanáticas à religião vegana. Mais isso ia dar um certo trabalho, e tb mudei de idéia, resolvi fazer outro post sério e ao mesmo interessante pra mim.
Coas críticas e denúncias q eu já fiz sobre o vogonismo, e coas q ainda vou fazer, percebi q muita gente sentiu ofendida comigo e naum entendeu nada do q eu disse e nem meu objetivo. Indeed, eu sendo contra o veganismo e criticando o movimento, dá a impressão de alguém "de fora" criticando, oq muita gente naum admite.
Oq aconteceria então, se eu fosse vegetariano? Resolvi fazer uma filosofia de botequim sobre esse tema, considerando tanto a possibilidade metafísica de no passado eu ter sido vogongelizado com sucesso antes de descobrir as falcatruas dessa quadrilha de loucos, ou se algum dia eles conseguirem me convencer a entrar pra modinha.
O resultado ficou bem interessante, recomendo a leitura tanto pros verdinhos estabanados qt pros alfacistas delatores inimigos da Causa Maior .
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participateFaz tempo q eu naum faço um post sobre hoax. Naum é por ter parado de receber e muito menos por naum ter nenhum pra postar, muito pelo contrário. É falta de tempo mesmo, mas logo devo descarregar a lista aki, só tô colocando umas coisas mais urgentes na frente.
O post de hoje é sobre uma corrente q, aparentemente, naum é um hoax. Na verdade é um desabafo sobre essa corrente.
Dias atrás recebi um email duma amiga, falando sobre o cartel da gasolina e convocando a população pra boicotar uma distribuidora e forçar os preços a cair. Naum li tudo, mais parece ser um update da velha corrente chamando pra boicotar a Petrobras / Petrojaz, agora apontando outra "vítima" pros 1ºs meses de 2010.
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When I started working on my theme, I was lost on finding resources like images and code files.
Child themes was a great addition to Wordpress, but IMHO it lacked support from functions to locate data that is easier to find on a unique theme structure. Functions are not intuitive, same functions behave differently when we are in parent-child structure from when we have only 1 active theme, and documentation also doesn't help.
With this article I try to clear it up a bit and share what I've learned.
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Hikari Enhanced Comments enhances comments with features that make comments more visible and and becoming more exciting in website structure.
Things that you've been wanted to do, now can be done much easier.
- An Enhanced Recent Comments widget, based on Wordpress core widget, but redesigned to make it possible to show at least 60 last comments.
- Widget also allows to exclude users from having their comments shown, perfect for website owners and authors that really participate on their site's comment debates

- If you also have Hikari Titled Comments plugin installed, comments with titles have their titles listed
- Comments authors have their gravatar shown in the widget
- For pingbacks, their gravatar is replaced by a "P" icon
- A Most Commented Posts widget, that lists your posts with higher number of comments
- If you have ip2nation installed (see installation instructions), comment authors are also shown with a flag of their country, in Recent Comments widget and in comments area
- Country flags can be added anywhere in your site, you just need to tweak your theme and use your imagination
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Wordpress has a "bug" regarding marking up JavaScript inside posts and pages, and Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator unfortunately is affected by it. This "bug" breaks XHTML validation, and something has to be done to surpass it and have a properly valid XHTML code, while the "bug" is not solved.
If you wanna see the whole story, you can read it at XHTML, validation, JavaScript and Wordpress. Either way, here you will have a detailed description of Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator's options.
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researchAlerta grave esse. 1º vai o texto original, depois vai meu comment.
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Most people don't really bother with XHTML validation. Indeed, I'd say that 99,98% of all webpages on the Web today have their DOCTYPE setted automatically (be it for a site builder or a CMS) without its author even knowing about it.
Just browse sites over the Web, even from big companies, and you'll see how rare it is tp find a HTML document 100% valid.
In this article I'm gonna talk a bit about validation in general, about XHTML validation when JavaScript is in place, explain the problems I've faced with my Wordpress plugin Hikari Email & URL Obfuscator when I tried to insert JavaScript inside posts, and what I did to solve it. That's a lot to talk, so use the following Table of Contents to go directly to your concerning subject, or read the whole article with no hurry .gif)
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Esse hoax é legal, feito por um hoaxeiro profissional.
O legal nele é as datas, mais do q nunca as datas denunciam a mediocridade de kem repassa hoax e demonstra a importância de verificar a origem da informação antes de indiscriminadamente repassar pros outros. Acompanhe.
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